Friday, February 13, 2009

Style Snob

Current favorite styled- stars: 
Emma Watson- She always looks perfectly cute and styled.
Katy Perry- Obviously to her, red carpet is a joke.Her crazy get ups are getting on my nerves.
Ann Hathaway- I love all of her choices, and she looks so glamourous.

Current least favorite styled stars:
Keira Knightly- Used to love her, but now she has no clue how to choose clothing that fits her "Not Anorexic" body.
Taylor Momsen- Dresses like an emo slut! She looks like a train-wreck.
Miley Cyrus- Not only does she not dress her age, but her slutty dresses are ugly and ill-fit to her body too!
Tilda Swinton- You might not know who she is, but most likely googling won't help, it will just be links to the fashion police.